Monday, December 19, 2016

Anonymity is a Right

Anonymity is a way for someone to be private and hidden from other people online, and violating that privacy does not seem right. Just because removing anonymity might lessen the amount of trolling, it doesn't mean that it's an excuse to force everyone to be public on social media. Anonymity should be an option online because there are people who might need help from others with a certain disease. Those people have experience, and some might feel self conscious sharing their condition publicly. Honestly, removing anonymity is not going to eliminate trolls. They will find a way. Forcing people to be public online will just make everything worse, and it definitely will not help the troll problem in any way.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that anonymity is a right and that many people need it in their lives. Trolling is just a bad side effect that it comes with, but it is somewhat preventable. Online anonymity is very helpful for those who do not want to put their public business out in the open for everyone to read about. It encourages people to seek out help on certain topics that they don't feel comfortable telling anyone.
