Monday, December 19, 2016

What Does A Troll See?

What does a web troll actually feel or think when they decide to insult or annoy people on the Internet? Although there are no certain explanations, there is enough reason and logic to believe that they do it out of their own self loathing or lack of confidence. Trolls may feel horrible about themselves that they feel the need to bring others down to their levels or even lower. This would be to make them feel a bit higher than others in the world so they don't seem like the saddest person living. Trolls may not be wholeheartedly thinking about their actions when they participate in these barrages of insults and annoyance. On the other hand, maybe, some of these web trolls cause harm because they actually enjoy seeing others depressed and hurt. The reasonings cannot be placed as either the majority or minority because there is no way to tell why someone decided to become a web troll. For this reason, seeing through the eyes of a troll is a very difficult and confusing matter.

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