Monday, March 13, 2017

Sugary Drinks

The Peach Lab scientists had a survey online for parents who choose a no warning label beverage, calorie label beverage, and a health warning label beverage for their child. Obviously, the parents went with the health warning label beverage, but why is that? Parents only choose the health warning label beverage because it tells the parent want the beverage all include like having you r kid be obese, diabetes being in the drink or even having cancer. The health warning label only showed that the parents choose the drink because it has a warning and less calorie supplement is in the drink. Throughout, the whole study results have parents choosing a warning label beverage and motivate the behavior terms of buying certain sugary drinks. This study showed parents to stop buying certain drinks, snacks and food. For example, McDonald’s at the McDonald’s drive thru it says before entering “ you may contain cancer by eating our food.”

As people, we buy certain Food from restaurants, fast-food places because it's "healthy" or else the label says it's healthy. What about the unlabeled? As people of the world, we just eat and drink certain foods that we don’t know, and we have to question your self. What is in our food or drinks? We may read the label saying it is healthy, how do we know? What is healthy for us, may never be healthy for us. Don't just look at a label and say it's healthy, that's your mind talking. Not you! Your mind wants sugar but your body doesn't. Realize that not every label is always right. 

1 comment:

  1. People always assume things because of a small label. We shouldn't trust them because we really don't know how it was made or what is in it. Organic is obviously the healthiest way to go but not everyone loves organic because people want sweet things. Not everything organic is sweet and if it is, it's not sweet enough. People should get over cravings and focus on what's good for their body.
