Throughout years, man has discovered many ways on how to manufacturer foods at a fast rate . But man hasn't thought about how making fast-food will benefit the persons health. Of course, fat food fills you up but what does it really do to your body. You might be filled with question but yet have no answer about it .
An article I read about "obesity skyrocketing" , they point out the facts people make to buy these products that we don't really need. For example the markets advertise their product to the point we're you have to buy it or else you won't be full filled.
Towards the end, the author points out why many companies don't care about their customers. And the number one reason is . Is that money is the thing that keeps these corporations moving . Such as McDonald's and Burger King. People know they're not healthy but yet consume . They make money off of it but we gain weight or illness's that can effect a person wellbeing.
In conclusion, the market doesn't really care about consumers they only care about money. If you bought something ate it and didn't like , guess what you lost your money . That's how the business works . I know there's more to it that I haven't covered but that most of what I researched.
Since fast foods are terribly greasy and unhealthy, I feel like the government should step in and do something about it, like reducing the amount of fast food restaraunts to discourage people from eating such unhealthy processed food. It's crazy to think that they don't care about the health of consumers, and just care about the money. This is the reason why so many people are obese, and to slow this down would be a good thing to do.